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Modern medicine tries to treat and remove symptoms rather than treating the patient suffering from it. Ayurveda makes special contributions by addressing the uniqueness of each patient and by helping each body to heal itself it is one of the oldest scientific medical systems in the world, with a long record of clinical experience. it is also a way of life that teaches us how to maintain and protect health it shows us both how to cure disease and how to promote longevity Ayurveda treats man as a whole which is a combination of body, mind and soul. Therefore it is a truly holistic and integral medical system

No. This is a common misconception regarding Ayurveda. The question you have to ask yourself is "are you looking for a quick f or mere suppression of symptoms or are you actually seeking to dissolve the deep rooted cause of the imbalance and rejuvenate deeply? If you are looking to get to the bottom of your imbalance then Ayurveda in a relatively short time will begin to offer its benefits.

There are three main methods mentioned in Ayurveda for diagnosing the Dosha imbalance and disease process in a person. They are - Darsana Pareeksha By observing the patient's physical signs and symptoms. example-color of skin, hair, eyes, behavior body conditionate. Prasna Pareeksha - By asking minute questions regarding the imbalance of each Dosas. Sparsana Pareeksha -By pulse diagnosis, palpation percussion and auscultation are included in this method.

Regular Question

There are gentle therapeutic procedures used for complete cleansing of the body. A milder approach is to begin with an appropriated light diet for each of the three body types of constitutions, which will cleanse the digestive system. Ayurveda states that food is 60% of the medicine it uses to treat disease As part of your Panchkarma experience, fresh food is prepared for you every day during your program. Also, if you are interested, we will show you how to create delicious, nutritious, simple Ayurvedic meals that you can continue to enjoy in your Ufe. When you treat the cause imbalance you treat the effect, disease. The purpose of Panchkarma is to support the body in creating balance, and in that way disease is addressed. These procedures actually detoxify the body through various routes

Each Panchkarma session expands on the previous one, healing of body, mind and emotion deeper and deeper with each consecutive year. The ancient Ayurvedic texts suggest receiving Panchkarma three times per year for optimum cleansing and rejuvenation. With every year it is truly possible to grow healthier and younger rather than older and diseases. It is possible to grow in health and Ayurveda shows us how
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